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The Three Largest Manufacturers of Laboratory Furniture in Denmark

Looking to install a high-tech laboratory in Copenhagen, Denmark? It can be difficult to know which manufacturer of laboratory furniture to choose. Especially when Denmark boasts some of the most innovative manufacturers of laboratory furniture in the world. I hear you say ‘seriously, we have the best in the world?’ Maybe we should say it […]

Top 10 Critical Areas to Consider in Laboratory Design The laboratory is an important part of research and small-scale production in many sectors. Through painstaking research and development, organisations are achieving remarkable breakthroughs. The pace of biotech development is currently increasing exponentially, as new technologies and treatment avenues are explored. Designing a new laboratory (or making changes to an existing laboratory design) is […]

What is the difference between Wet and Dry Laboratories?

As technology has evolved wet and dry laboratories have become increasingly interconnected, but the two types of labs still have fundamentally different purposes and design considerations. Here at Copenspace, we love to share our knowledge about lab design, and in this article, we explain the differences between wet and dry labs and how to design […]

Hvad koster det at bygge et laboratorium i København?

Biotekindustrien i København og omegn vokser år for år. Investorer skyder millarder ind i små bioteknologiske startups og ‘seed’ organisations i håbet om at udvikle det næste medicinske vidunder. Inkubator-hubs som BioInnovation Institute – – hjælper små virksomheder med at komme i gang og kommercialisere deres teknologi. Men lejeaftalen varer normalt ikke længere end […]

What does the term ‘Design-Build’ mean in Lab Construction?

Design-Build is a project delivery system used in the construction industry. By running projects using this method, both the design and construction (building) services are contracted by a single company known as the Design-Build Contractor. This method contrasts with Design-Bid-Build, which is in many countries (including) Denmark is the traditional way to run projects such […]

The Top Five Safety Measures When Designing Safe Laboratories

There is a lot to take into consideration when designing a laboratory, but safety might just be the most important factor to include. A laboratory requires special user protection and a ventilated and sterile work environment to be a safe place of work. But how do we design a lab that supports and works as […]