Copenspace Inbauktek

Inbautek: Highest Quality Laboratory Furniture

At Copenspace, we are proud to partner with Inbautek, a Spanish laboratory furniture manufacturer that provides high-quality furniture solutions for laboratories across Europe. Inbautek has a reputation for creating robust, functional and aesthetically pleasing furniture that meets the safety, durability and ergonomic requirements of modern laboratories. Their product range includes workstations, storage solutions and bespoke…

Improving Comfort and Productivity in the Laboratory Environment

Improving Comfort and Productivity in the Laboratory Environment

Creating a comfortable and productive work environment is critical to the success of any laboratory. While lab work can often be challenging and demanding, there are several strategies and measures that can help improve both the comfort and productivity of lab staff. Let’s explore some of these important aspects in more detail. Ergonomic Furniture and…

Optimal office design

Optimal office design

Mastering office interior design is more than just arranging furniture; it’s about creating a space that supports productivity, well-being and collaboration. A well-planned office design can transform the work environment and inspire better performance. Let’s dive into how to master the planning of your workspace. 1. Needs analysis: What does your team require? First of…