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What does it cost to build a Laboratory in Copenhagen?

The biotech industry in Copenhagen and the surrounding areas is increasing year on year. Investment organisations are pumping millions of Euros, Dollars and Kroner into small biotech startups & seed organisations in the hopes of developing the next medicinal marvel. Incubator hubs like BioInnovation Institute – – are helping individuals and small companys to […]

Hvad koster det at bygge et laboratorium i København?

Biotekindustrien i København og omegn vokser år for år. Investorer skyder millarder ind i små bioteknologiske startups og ‘seed’ organisations i håbet om at udvikle det næste medicinske vidunder. Inkubator-hubs som BioInnovation Institute – – hjælper små virksomheder med at komme i gang og kommercialisere deres teknologi. Men lejeaftalen varer normalt ikke længere end […]

Hvad betyder udtrykket ‘Design-Build’ i Lab Construction?

Design-Build er et projektleveringssystem, der bruges i byggebranchen. Ved at køre projekter ved hjælp af denne metode indgås både design- og konstruktionstjenesterne (bygge) af et enkelt firma kendt som Design-Build Contractor. Denne metode står i kontrast til Design-Bid-Build, som i mange lande (inklusive) Danmark er den traditionelle måde at drive projekter på som fx laboratoriebyggeri. […]

What does the term ‘Design-Build’ mean in Lab Construction?

Design-Build is a project delivery system used in the construction industry. By running projects using this method, both the design and construction (building) services are contracted by a single company known as the Design-Build Contractor. This method contrasts with Design-Bid-Build, which is in many countries (including) Denmark is the traditional way to run projects such […]